Explore “herding cats”: Functor
Functor extends Invariant.
trait Functor[F[_]] extends Invariant[F]
That’s a little bit tricky once invariant functor is typically explained as mix of usual (covariant) and contravariant functors. Those functors are something like:
trait CovariantFunctor[A]:
def map[B](f: A => B): CovariantFunctor[B]
trait ContravariantFunctor[A]:
def contramap[B](f: B => A): ContravariantFunctor[B]
With HKT precise definitions are going to be:
trait CovariantFunctor[F[_]]:
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
trait ContravariantFunctor[F[_]]:
def contramap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: B => A): F[B]
Let’s return back to the notion of Invariant. Cats Invariant doc and Softwaremill Invarian note provide nice examples. Nevertheless, I want to attempt to bring something extremely down-to-earth.
Let we have some thin wrapper:
trait EqWrapper[T]:
def eqv(valueToCompare: T): Boolean
def get: T
String implementation:
class StringEqWrapper(private val value: String) extends EqWrapper[String] {
def eqv(valueToCompare: String): Boolean = valueToCompare == value
def get: String = value
We can assume that in real world we define some non-trivial behaviour. It would be nice to have opportunity to derive new instances from old one using old ones as “back end”.
Let’s attempt to do it with usual map
class StringEqWrapper(private val value: String) extends EqWrapper[String] { self =>
def eqv(valueToCompare: String): Boolean = valueToCompare == value
def get: String = value
def map[T](f: String => T): EqWrapper[T] = new EqWrapper[T] {
override def eqv(valueToCompare: T): Boolean = self.eqv("dummy") // I need T => String here to convert value to familiar strings
override def get: T = f(self.get) //map of basic covariant functor works well
At that point we see that String => T
helped to implement get
. We just apply function to underlying string value and return result.
But we can’t compare T
with String
Contravariant approach leads to opposite result.
class StringEqWrapper2(private val value: String) extends EqWrapper[String] { self =>
def eqv(valueToCompare: String): Boolean = valueToCompare == value
def get: String = value
def map[T](f: T => String): EqWrapper[T] = new EqWrapper[T] {
override def eqv(valueToCompare: T): Boolean = self.eqv(f(valueToCompare)) // I know how to convert that T value to well-known String
override def get: T = null.asInstanceOf[T] //I'm in trouble, I have String state but no idea how to return T value
We can derive implement eqv(valueToCompare: T)
to compare T
with internal String
But get
require something to convert internal String
state to T
class StringEqWrapper(private val value: String) extends EqWrapper[String] { self =>
def eqv(valueToCompare: String): Boolean = valueToCompare == value
def get: String = value
def imap[T](f: String => T, g: T => String): EqWrapper[T] = new EqWrapper[T] {
override def eqv(value: T): Boolean = self.eqv(g(value))
override def get: T = f(self.get)
Now we can derive new instance with imap
val stringEqWrapper = new StringEqWrapper3("42")
val intEqWrapper: EqWrapper[Int] = stringEqWrapper.imap(_.toInt, _.toString)
intEqWrapper eqv 42 //true
Typelevel Functor docs provides good description of API.
Explicitly I can denote that it is a right time to pay attention to type lambdas, there is also nice rockthejvm post about it.
import cats.Functor
val listFuntor: Functor[List] = Functor[List]
listFuntor.as(List(1, 2, 3), "a") //List(a, a, a)
val listOfOptionFunctor: Functor[[α] =>> List[Option[α]]] = listFuntor.compose[Option] //Functor[λ[α => F[G[α]]]] in Scala2
listOfOptionFunctor.map(List(Some(1), None))("N" + _) //val res0: List[Option[String]] = List(Some(N1), None)